Thoughts On a Purge
Today I share my thoughts on transition to a minimalist I had to do in order to move into our RV full time. From a 35 acre homestead with a Farmhouse, garage, shed, barn and other outbuilding full of stuff, to a 32′ RV and pickup bed, I purged the majority of things out of my life and experienced a lot a long the way.
Needing to transition to a minimalist?
Help consolidate all your documents and photos into an external hard drive. They are compact and hold a ton of data.
Seagate External Hard Drive:
Find it on Amazon:
Read my Review:
I will tell the story of lessons learned from our first year on the road…..
Come meet me, and hear me speak at Self Reliance Festival Find the vendor tent we are setting up with several community members.
Oct 14th and 15th in Camden Tennessee
Get Your Tickets Today to come in person or watch online