Hey there!
I am excited that you’re interested in being a guest on “LOTS to Talk About”! The podcast is all about sharing unique experiences, personal journeys, and future aspirations. I am always on the lookout for fascinating people with intriguing stories to tell. And hey, that could be you!
Our conversations are relaxed and friendly; it’s like having a chat with an old friend. I believe in making my guests feel comfortable and heard. So, whether you’re a seasoned speaker or new to the podcasting game, I’ve got your back.
Here’s what you can expect: A lively, engaging conversation where we dive into your story. Your highs, your lows, your lessons learned, and your dreams for the future. I want to hear it all!
So, if you’ve got a story to share and you’re ready to inspire my listeners, I’d love to hear from you. Fill out the form.
Get ready to have LOTS To Talk About!